Tuesday, March 6, 2012


When I'm not busy with work, I am usually trolling the world wide web to find answers to my life's most burning questions. Like, "why are blueberries so sour?"
"When is easter this year?"
"What is barley?"
"What are some other words to describe the color "purple"?"
"When was Jeremy Lin born?" (Answer: August 23. So, Virgo. So, perfect for me!)
I swear someone could publish an entire book entitled, "Things Courtney Googles In a Day..." 

I'd make a really, really good trivia player if trivia involved lengthy paragraph answers to these kinds of questions. Will someone please get on that? Right now the only thing I have going for me is a pretttty mean game of Taboo and Quelf, which seems to require absolutely no discernible talent other than the unique - albeit rare - ability to make a total fool of oneself without the use of substances....

Sometimes I find somethings so cool that I think other people might find them interesting too, like:

Something I want to get involved in somehow

Something I dance to... (Thanks, Will!)

Something I wish I thought of...

Something AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Something real that seems fake

Something I want to buy today

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